Book Title: Doha Giti Kosa
Author(s): Sarahpad, Dalsukh Malvania, H C Bhayani
Publisher: Prakrit Text Society Ahmedabad

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Page 131
________________ 114 (31) Where the mind, the senses and the vital breath are destroyed, I do not know where the self has entered. 1. Wonder ! Compassion beats the Damaru. Āryadeva, without any support whatsoever, rejoices. 2. As the moon-light enters back to the interior of the moon, the mind bereft of the sense-organs, ceases to be (as the mind) and enters there (i.e. in the clear light). 3. Having abandoned the fear, repulsion and the worldy ways. constantly observing, think of the Sunya 4. Aryadeva has removed everything : he has kept far away the fear, repulsion and the stigma (of going against the wordly ways). 5. चर्यागीति ३२ [ सरहपाद] (राग : देशाख) णादु ण बिंदु ण रवि-ससि-मंडलु । चित्त-राउ सहावें मुक्कलु ॥ १ उज्जु रे छंडि म लेहु रे वंका । णिअडि बोहि म जाहु रे लंका ॥ २ हत्थहिँ कंकणु म लेहु दप्पणु । अप्पणे अप्पु बुज्झि तुहुँ णिअ-मणु ॥ ३ पर-ओवारें जो वि [जणु] वज्जइ । दुज्जण-संगें अवसि मरिज्जइ ॥ ४ वामु दाहिणु जे खल्ल-विखल्ला । सरहु भणइ उजु-वट्ट भइल्ला ।। ५ (संस्कृत छाया) नाद: न बिन्दुः न रवि-शशि-मण्डलं । चित्त-राजः स्वभावेन मुक्तः ॥ १ ऋजुं त्यक्त्वा मा गृह्णीत वक्र । निकटे बोधिः मा यात लङ्काम् ॥ २ हस्ते कङ्कणं मा गृहीत दर्पणं । आत्मना स्वयं बुध्य त्वं निज-मनः ॥ ३ पर तीर्थे यः अपि जनः व्रजति । दुर्जन-सङ्गेन अवश्यं म्रियते ॥ ४ वामं दक्षिणं याः गर्ताः खातिकाः । सरह: भणति ऋजु वर्त्म भूताः ॥ [32] Neither Nāda nor Bindu, neither the orb of the Sun or the Moon the Mind-king is in its own being free. 1. Abandoning the straight do not take the crooked. Enlightement is near-do not go to Lankā. 2. The bangle is on your wrist-do not take a mirror (to see it). You Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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