Book Title: Doha Giti Kosa
Author(s): Sarahpad, Dalsukh Malvania, H C Bhayani
Publisher: Prakrit Text Society Ahmedabad

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Page 134
________________ 117 and mind Dārika sports on the further shore of the Sky. 1. With his mind characterized by the absence of characteristics, (absorbed) in Mahāsukha, Dārika sports on the further shore of the Sky. 2. Of what use to you are the Mantras, the Tantras, the expositions of Meditation, (when you are) in the ultimate Nirvāṇa where one sports in the Mahāsukha that has no fixed location. 3. He who combines pain and pleasure into one, knows how to enjoy the senses such Dārika does not know self and non-self as different. He enjoys fully the Anuttara. 4. Attachment, attachment, attachment-others are bound by attachment and delusion. But Dárika, through the grace of Lūipāda has obtained all the twelve worlds. 5. चर्यागीति ३५ [भद्रपाद] (राग : मल्परि) एत्तु कालु हउँ अच्छिउ समोहें । एहिँ बुज्झिउ सदगुरु-बोहें । १ एहिँ चित्त-राउ महु णट्ठउ । गअण-समुद्दे टलिअ पइट्ठउ ।। २ पेक्खमि दह-दिस सव्वु वि सुण्णउ । चित्त-विहूणएँ पाउ ण पुण्णउँ ॥ ३ वज्जउलें दिअउ मह लक्खु भणिउ । मइँ आहारिउ गअणहिँ पाणिउ ॥ ४ भद्दउ भणइ अभग्गे लइअउ । चित्त-राउ मइँ आहारु किअउ ॥ ५ (संस्कृत छाया) एतावान् कालः अहं आसं स्व-मोहे । ईदानी बुद्धं सद्गुरु-बोधेन ॥ १ ईदानी चित्त-राजः मम नष्टः । गगन-समुद्रे नष्ट्वा प्रविष्टः ॥ २ प्रेक्ष्ये दश-दिशः सर्वं अपि शून्यं । चित्त-विहीने न पापं न पुण्यम् ॥ ३ वज्रकुलेन दत्तं मम लक्ष्यं भणितं । मया आहारितं गगने पानीयम् ॥ ४ भद्रः भणति अभाग्येन गृहीतः । चित्त-राजः मया आहारः कृतः ॥ ५ (35) So long I was in self-delusion, now I have awakened due to the instruction of the True Guru. 1. Now my mind-king has fled; he has disappeared and entered the sea of the Sky. 2. I look in the ten Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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