Book Title: Doha Giti Kosa
Author(s): Sarahpad, Dalsukh Malvania, H C Bhayani
Publisher: Prakrit Text Society Ahmedabad

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Page 132
________________ 115 by yourself must understand your Innate Mind. 3. Whoever goes to the other bank, certainly dies in the company of evil folk. 4. As for the ditches and trenches on the left and the right, Saraha says, they have become the straight path. 5. . चर्यागीति ३३ [ ढंढणपाद] (राग : पटमञ्जरी) टिलएँ घरु मोरु णाहि पडिवेसिअ । हंडिहिँ भत्तु ण णिच्चु अवेसिअ(?)॥ १ वेंगें सु सप्पु बाहिअउ जाइ । दुहिअउ दुद्ध किं बेंटे समाइ ॥ २ बलद्द विआइउ गाविअ वंझा । पीढउ दहिअइ तिण्णि-वि संझा ।। ३ जो-वि स-बुद्धि सो-वि णिबुद्धी । जो चोरउ सो जि दुसाधी (?) ॥ ४ णिच्चु सिआलउ सीह-समु जुज्झइ । ढेंढणपा-गीअउँ विरलउ बुज्झइ ।। ५ (संस्कृत छाया) गिरि-उपरिमम गृहं। नहि (कोऽपि) प्रातिवेश्मिकः । भाण्डेभक्तं न नित्यं उपस्थितम्(?)॥१ मेडकेन सः सर्पः बाधितः गच्छति । दुग्धं दुग्धं किं चूचुके संमाति ॥ २ बलिवर्दः प्रसूत: गौः वन्ध्या । पीठकं दुह्यते तिस्रः अपि सन्ध्याः ॥ ३ यः अपि सबुद्धिः सः अपि निर्बुद्धिः । यः चौरः सः एव रक्षकः (?) || ४ नित्यं शृगालः सिंहेन समं युध्यति । ढेंढणपाद-गीतं विरल: बुध्यति ॥ ५ [33] On the hill is my house. I have no neighbours...There is no rice in the pot, yet guests (?) keep on coming. 1. That serpent, attacked by the frog, runs away. Can the milk that is milked be again contained in the teat? 2. The bull has calved, but the cow is barren. The stool is milked at all the three junctions of the day. 3. He who is wise is himself a fool. He who is a thief, himself is the guard. 4. Ever and ever the jackal fights with the lion. A person who understands the song of Dhendhana is very rare. 5. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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