'Ekatva saptati" by the same author. यदव्यक्तमबोधानां व्यक्तं सद्बोध चक्षुषाम् । सारं यत्सर्ववस्तूनां नमस्तस्मै चिदात्मने ॥ ३ ॥ Yadavyaktamabôdhânâm Vyaktam sadbodha
Sâram yat sarva bastūnâm namastasmai chidátmane. 3.
"I bow to that pure soul which is the best of all the substances and can be realised by the wise but can not be realised by the unwise."
विकल्पोर्मिभरत्यक्तः शान्तः कैवल्यमाश्रितः ।
कर्माभावे भवेदात्मा वाताभावे समुद्दवत् ॥ २६ ॥ Vikalpormi bharatyâktah śântah kaivalyaniaśritah, Karmâbhâve bhavedâtma vâtâbhâve samudravat. 26. "The soul, on the destruction of the Karmas becomes peaceful and independent, being freed from the variety of thoughts, like a sea free from winds." संसारघोरधर्मेण सदा तप्तस्य देहिनः ।
यंत्र धारागृहं शांतं तदेव हिमशीतलं ॥ ४७ ॥ Samsara ghora gharmeṇasadâ taptasya dehinah, Yantra dharagraham sántam tadeva himasitalam. 47.
"To those who are ever scorched by the intense heat of the world, nirvâna is a peaceful place cool like the snow."
निश्शरीरं निरालम्बं निश्शब्दं निरुपाधियत् । चिदात्मकं परंजोतिरवायानसगोचरम् ॥ ६० ॥
Jain Education International
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