"Association with agreeable objects is like seeing a dream; they, cheating the intellect, soon disappear.” घनमालानुकारिणि कुलानि च बलानि च । राज्यालंकार वित्तानि कीर्तितानि महर्षिभिः ॥ ४१-२ ॥
Ghana mâlâ nukârini kulani cha batani cha Rajyalankara vittani kirtitani maharsibhih 41/2 Families, powers, kingdom, ornaments, and property are fleeting like the group of clouds. So have the great sages said.
ये चाल जगती मध्ये पदार्थाश्चेतनेतराः । ते ते मुनिभिरुद्दिष्टाः प्रतिक्षण विनश्वराः ॥ ४६-२ ॥ Ye châtra Jagati madhye padârthâ-schetane tarâh Te te munibhiruddhistah prati ksana vinasvarah 46/2
"Whatever conscious and unconscious objects are seen in this universe, are fleeting every moment. The saints have said so. "
गगन नगर तुल्यं संगमं वल्लभानां जलद पटल तुल्यं यौवनं वा धनं वा । सुजनसुत शरीरादिनि विद्युश्चलानि
क्षणिक मिति समस्तं विद्धि संसार वृत्तम् ॥ ४७-२ ॥ Gagana nagara tulyum sangamam Vallabhânâm Julada patala tulyam yauvanam va dhanam va, Sujana suta sarîrâdini vidyuchchalâni Ksanika miti samastam viddhi sansâravrittam
“Association with the dear ones is like a city in the sky; youth and riches are like a group of clouds;
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