The Jain scriptures describe right belief with knowledge as Samyak darsana. From the practical point of view, it is necessary to have firm belief in the seven principles. Umaswami says in Tattvårtha sutra :
तत्वार्थश्रद्धानं सम्यग्दर्शनम् ॥२॥ जीवाजीवानवबन्धसंवरनिर्जरामोक्षास्तत्वम् ॥४॥
Tattvartha sraddhanam samyag darsanam 1. 2. Jivajivasravabandha sanvara nirjara mokşastattvam I. 4.
“Belief in the seven principles as they are, is called right belief. The principles are Jiva soul, Ajiva non-soul, Asrava inflow, Bandha bondage, Samvara checking, nirjara shedding, Moksa liberation.”
All the modifications and objects of this universe come under the first two principles, soul, and non-soul. Nåma rupa of the Buddhist philosophy is included in these two principles. Feeling, perception, mentation, consciousness are found in the impure soul, while body is included in non-soul. Just as in the Buddhist philosophy, the knowledge and belief in the pain, its cause, its cessation and the way of its cessation is Right View; so also in the Jain Philosophy pain and its cause are described by the two principles Asrava inflow and bandha bondage, while the cessation of pain is the Moksa or liberation and the means of cessation is included in Sainvara, checking and Nirjara, shedding.
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