agrees with the three-fold path of liberation described in the Jain books.
Samyak dristim-right view and Sanyak sankalpa-- right determination, are included in the Samyag darsan--- right belief and Samyag jnana right knowledge of the Jains; while the reinaining six i.e., Saiyak vachanaright speech, Saiyak karmante-right action, Samyakajiva-right livelihood, Saiyak-vyayama-right effort, Samyak smriti--right recollection and Samyak samadhi -right concentration are included in Samyak charitraright conduct of the Jains.
Just as self-concentration has been prominently said to be the means of deliverance in the Buddhist Books, so also it has been said in the Jain books. Let us give some passages from the Jain books.
(1) Dravya Samgraha of Sri Nemichandra :दुविहंपि मोक्खहेउं शाणे पाऊणदि जं सुणी णियमा । तमहा पयत्तचित्ता जूयं शाणं समवूभसह ॥ ४७ ॥ Duvihampi mokkha heum jhâņe, pâlînadi Jam muni
niyama, Tamha payattachâttâ jûyam jhanam samavbhasaha,
" Because a Saint while absorbed in self-concentration gets both the causes of liberation, (practical and real), therefore (all of) you practise self-concentration with careful mind."
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