“ Renunciation of property, control of passions, practising of vows and conquering of mind and senses are the materials for the practice of concentration."
“Practise concentration from scriptural reading, and come to scriptural reading from concentrationthus by the gift of concentration and reading the pure soul is enlightened."
"He, who wants concentration, should know and believe the self and the non-self as they are and then giving up the non-soul thinking it to be useless, should perceive and know the self only."
“He should always see the self through the self, as distinct from all the thought-activities arising by karmas, having knowledge as nature and indifferent to others.”
___ " As far as the concentrating person attains steadiness in his own self, so far the glories of concentration would be realised."
“ Again there are four special causes of concentration :-(1) Instruction from a Teacher (2) conviction (3) continual practice (4) and steady mind."
(6) Vairagya mala by Chandra. विरम विरम बाह्यादि पदार्थे रम रम मोक्षपदे च हितार्थे । कुरु कुरु निजकार्य च वितंद्रः भव भव केवल बोध यतीन्द्रः॥६८॥
मुंच मुंच विषयामिष रोगं लुप लुंप निजतृष्णारोगं। रुंध रुंध मानस मातंगं धर धर जीव बिमलतर योगं ॥ ६९ ॥ चिंतय निज देहस्थं सिद्धं आलोचय कायस्थं बुद्धं । स्मर पिंडस्थं परम विसुद्धं कल केवल केलीशिव लब्धं ॥ ७० ॥
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