“ The ignorant being addicted to the nature of matter always beconies its enjoyer, the learned being anattachea to the nature of matter never becomes its enjoyer; thús knowing the rule, the wise men must give up ignorance and should serve knowledge being steadfast in the light of the pure self.” 58/10
व्यवहार विमूढदृष्टयः परमार्थ कलयन्ति नो जना। तुषबोधविमुग्ध बुद्धयः कलयंतीह तुषं न तंडुलं ॥४६-१०॥ Vyavahâra vimûdha drista yah, parmartham
kalayanti no janah Tuşa bodha vimugdha buddha yah kalayantih
tuşam no tandulam. 49/10
“ Just as those, who are foolish in understanding husk to be rice, are attentive tu husk only, but not to rice ; so also those, who are deluded in worldly affairs, never pay attention to the real substance."
(5) Tattvânusâsanam by Nagasena says:-- यत्तु संसारिकं सौख्यं रागात्मक मशाश्वतं । खपरद्रव्यसंभूतं तृष्णासंतापकारणं ॥ १२४३ ॥ Yathu sansárikam saukhyam rägâtmaka masas.
vatani Svapara dravya sumbhutam trisņâ santâpa
kâranam. 1243
“That which is sensual pleasure produced by the connection of the self with the non-self, is full of lust, is transitory and is the cause of creating desire and pain."
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