Pancha ima bhikkave banijja upåsakena akaraniyâhkatâ me panch-sattha banijja, satta banijja, mansa banijja, mujja banijja, visa banijja."
O Monks ! The following five trades should not be followed by a layman:
(1) trade in arms (2) trade in living creatures (3) trade in meat (4) trade in wine (5) trade in poison.
(6) Buddha Charya.
Page 100 (1) Mahâ vagga 10. “ He, who returns after taking alms from the village, eats and what is left, if he does not wish to eat it, is thrown in such a place where there are no herbs or in water devoid of living beings.”
Note.---This shows protection of immobile one. sensed beings.
(2) Page 144 Pârâjika I.
“ It is the conduct of Buddhist monks that after finishing the rainy season and performing fast on the last day of asvini month, they should roam for public good—they finish their tour in nine months. But those monks who have not finished their pledge of concentration fast on the last day of Kartika month and leave the place on the first date of marga sirkha and finish their tour in eight months.
Note.--Here not to roam in the rainy season proves the regard for non-injury.
(3) Page 167--Mahâvagga 6 Keniya Jatil.
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