KARMAS AND THEIR Fruits 229 re-enjoyable things (5) to disturb the zeal of others for good works.
Thus the special thought-activities for the bondage of eight karmas have been described here very briefly. It should also be noted that generally a being binds seven or eight kinds of karmas at a time by its thoughtactivity; but there occurs difference in fruition bondage of each karma. The special thought activity pertaining to a particular karma will cause more mild or strong fruition in that very karma.
We find in the Buddhist literature also some description of the special thought-activities for the bondage of special karmas..
(1) Manuscript Remains of Buddhist literature in Eastern Turkestan by Hoernle (1916).
Page 48 (10) Suka Sutra of Madhyama Agama. ___ "दशधर्मा महाशक्य संवर्तनीयः-कतमेदश-अनियूंकः, . परस्य लाभ सत्कारः, आत्तमनता, परस्यकीर्तिः शब्दश्लोकेन
आत्तमनता, यात्रा प्रदान, बोधिचित्तोत्पादः, तथागतबिम्बकरणं, मातृपितृणां प्रत्युद्गमनं, आर्यणां. प्रत्युद्गमनं, अल्पशक्यात्. कुशलमूलाद् विच्छंदनं महाशाक्य कुशलमूले समापादन-इमे दशधर्मा महाशक्य संवर्तनीयः.
.. "Daša dharmá maha-sa-kya samvartaniyâh-katame dasá-aniroyukah, parasya lâbha satkârah, åtta manatâ, parasya kirtih sabda slokena åtta-manatâ, yâtrá pra. dânam, bodhi-chittotpâdah, Tathagata bimba Karşam, matri pitrinám pratyanugamanam, áryá - nám pratyud.
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