"But there is taint
Page 243. taints, ignorance is the greatest taint. throw off that taint and become taintless."
Note. Here the word 4 taint' refers to some material thing which is dirty.
Page 369, Cha. XXV. The Bhiksu.
"O Bhiksu! empty this boat! if emptied, it will go quickly, having cut off passion and hatred, thou wilt go to Nirvâna.'
Note. Here the passage shows that the boat is heavy on account of some matter which should be thrown off and the boat should be emptied.
(9) Sacred books of the Buddhists Vol. III by T. W. Rhys Davids. Dialogue of the Buddha from Digh Nikaya (1910).
worse than all O mendicants,
Page 148 Chap. IV. Mahaparinibbân suttanta.
"There has heen laid up by Chunda, the smith a karma redounding to length of life, redounding to good birth, redounding to good fortune, redounding to good fame, redounding to the inheritance of heaven and of sovereign power."
Note. This statement clearly shows what the Jains say. His deed has collected karmas which would be ripened into all the merits said here.
(10) Sansara or Buddhist philosophy of birth and death" by Bhiksu Narada, published by P. D. M. Perera, Post Master, Talavakele (16-10-1930).
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