from karmic matter is called Dravya moksa material liberation or objective liberation ; while pure thoughtactivity which removes all the karmic molecules is called bhava moksa or subjective liberation.
The Buddhist literature has clearly described the subjective inflow, bondage, checking, shedding and liberation, while the objective inflow, etc. have been dealt with in a vague manner. It appears that the ordinary public will not understand easily the details of the material inflow etc. and perhaps this consideration has prevented them from being clearly and explicitly dealt with.
The Jain philosophy has described the subjective inflow and subjective bondage, i.e., causes of inflow of karmic matter and their bondage as follows:
मिथ्यादर्शनाविरतिप्रमादकषाययोगा बन्धहेतवः ॥
Mitthyâ darsanâvirati pramâda-kaşaya yoga bandha hetawah 1/8.
The causes of bondage (and inflow) are (1) Mitthya. darsana or Mitthva drista, i.e., wrong belief in the true principles (2) avirti not to restrain from himsa injury, Asattya falsehood, steya stealing, abrahma unchastity, parigraha thirst for worldly possessions (3) pramada carelessness or indifference to useful thoughts leading to Nirvana, (4) Kasava passions, i.e., anger, pride, deceit and greed (5) yoga activities of mind, body and speech. These five are both the subjective inflow and subjective
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