things, thoughts, conditions or other existing souls or other substances all these are other than myself, they were and will remain other than myself. In reality, I am alone, free from all this. I am only a pure soul or one which is positive in Nirvâna. Such realization is Self-discrimination.
(5) Samyutta Nikâya (4) Satayâtana Vaggo (1) Anichcham.
Gotam says:—
चकक्कुं भिक्खवे अनिष्यं यदनिश्यं तं दुःखं यं दुःखं तद अनन्तायद अनसा तं न एतं मम नेसोऽहं अस्मि न मे सो अत्ताति एवं एतं यथाभूतं सम्मप्पज्ञाय दट्ट्व्वं सोतं अनिश्चं घानं अनियं facer afari når efter når erfaruit.
"Chakkum bhikkhave anichcham, yadanichcham tam dukkham, yam dukkham tad anatta-yad anatta tam na etam mama ne so ham asmi na me so attâti evam etam yathabhutam sammaþajnâya daṭṭhavvam. Satam anichcham, ghânam anichcham, Jihvâ anichcham, Kâyo anichcho, mano anichcho."
"O Monks, this eye is destructible, that which is destructible is misery; that which is misery is non-soul; that which is non-soul is not mine, nor I am such; nor it is my soul. Such realization is right knowledge. In the same way ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind are all destructible."
The above statement also clearly declares that something else; 'I' am not the five
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