earth, because he is the Knower, thus I say. In the same way he does not welcome water, fire, air, all the living beings, celestials, space, consciousness (impure), all objects seen and heard; because he is the Knower, so I say."
The above statement clearly declares that the pure Soul is what is Nirvana. All else than Nirvâna or pure Soul is non-Soul. This is called Prajna Viveka, bheda vijnana i.e. Self-analysis or Self-discrimination. This is the way to Liberation.
The Jain saint Kunda Kunda Acharya also says the same in his Sama yasâra :
सम्वे करेदि जीवो अज्बावसाणेण तिरियणेरेदए । देवमणुवेपि सव्वे पुण्णं पावं अणेयविहं ॥ २९१ ॥ धम्माधम्मं च तहा जीवाजीवे अलोगलोगं च । सव्वे करेदि जीवो अज्झावसाणेण अप्पाणं ॥ २९२ ॥ जा संकप्पवियप्पो ता कम्मं कुणइ असुहसुहजणयं ।
अप्पसरूवा रिद्धी जाय णहियए परिप्फरइ ॥२९४॥ Savve karedi Jîvâ ajjhavasâneņa tiriya neraiye, Deva manuvepi savve þunnam pâvam aneyaviham, (291) Dhammadhammam chataha Ji vâjíva alogalogamcha Savve Karedi Jivo Ajjhavasánena appanam, (292).
Jâ sankappa viyappo ta Kammam Kunai asuh suhajanayam, appasaruva riddhi jáya nahiyaé parippharai. (294).
“On account of wrong attachment, this (ignorant) being, maintains all the sub-human, hellish, celestial, and
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