BUDDHIST LITERATURE. (1) Buddhist Wisdom, the mystery of the self....... by George Grimm, Munich, Germany. (2) Majjhim Nikaya Bhaya bherava sutta chaturtha.
Sati patthan sutta dasamam. (4)
Mula pariyaya sutta dasamam.
Aruja pariyasana sutta 26. (6)
Maha malumba suttam chatut
tham 64. (7) The word of the Buddha by Nyana Tiloka Mahathera, Dodunduva, (Ceylon).
(8) The Doctrine of the Buddha by George Grimm, Germany (1926).
(9) Some Sayings of the Buddha according to Pali Canon translated by F. L. Woodward, M.A., Cantab, Ceylon. (1925). (10) Dhammapada translated by F. Max Muller.
Sacred Books of the East Vol. X (1881). (11) Sutta Nipata translated by G. V. Fausbold (1881).
(12) Visuddha Magga of Buddha Ghosha translated by P. Maung Tue.
(13) The Life of the Buddha by Edward J. Thomas, M.A., D. Litt (1927).
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