Section 1 प्रथम परिच्छेद
Insignia like the attendance of heavenly beings do not make you great:
देवागमनभोयानचामरादिविभूतयः ।
मायाविष्वपि दृश्यन्ते नातस्त्वमसि नो महान् ॥१॥
सामान्यार्थ - हे भगवन् ! देवों का आगमन, आकाश में गमन और चामर आदि विभूतियाँ जो आप में पायी जाती हैं, इन कारणों से आप हमारे स्तुति करने योग्य – गुरु, स्तुत्य, आप्त नहीं हैं। ये विभूतियाँ तो मायावी पुरुषों में भी देखी जाती हैं।
Attendance of the heavenly beings, movement in the sky, waving of the flywhisks (camara) and other symbols of majesty are found even in jugglers; it is not owing to these that thou art great [supreme preacher (guru), worthy of adoration (stutya) and Omniscient (sarvajña or āpta)].
The aforesaid symbols of majesty do not establish greatness; these are found in jugglers too who do not possess real greatness and, therefore, not worthy of our adoration. If it be said that the symbols of majesty are artificial in case of jugglers but real in your case then on what basis can we distinguish between the real and the counterfeit? On the basis of the scripture? The others too have their own scripture which, according to them, is a valid source of knowledge.