Verse 112
The use of the word 'syāt acts like a stamp of truth that enables the listener to grasp the intended particular meaning of a sentence:
सामान्यवाग्विशेषे चेन्न शब्दार्थो मृषा हि सा। अभिप्रेतविशेषाप्तेः स्यात्कारः सत्यलाञ्छनः ॥११२॥
सामान्यार्थ - यदि कहा जाए कि ('अस्ति' आदि) सामान्य वाक्य अन्यापोह-रूप (पर के अभाव-रूप) विशेष का प्रतिपादन करते हैं, तो ऐसा मानना ठीक नहीं है क्योंकि अन्यापोह शब्द का अर्थ सिद्ध नहीं होता है। अतः अन्यापोह का प्रतिपादन करने वाले वचन मिथ्या हैं। और अभिप्रेत अर्थ विशेष की प्राप्ति होने से स्यात्कार (स्याद्वाद) सत्य का चिह्न है।
If it be said1 that a sentence expressing the universality (sāmānya) aspect, in fact, denotes only the particularity (visesa) aspect, this is not correct since the speech then becomes a nonentity. The use of the word 'syāť acts like a stamp of truth that enables the listener to grasp the intended particular meaning. (An entity has both the universality (sāmānya) as well as the particularity (visesa) aspects. When the expression makes the universality aspect as its subject, the particularity aspect becomes secondary and when the expression makes the particularity aspect as its subject, the universality aspect becomes secondary; this is doubtlessly achieved by using the word 'syāt' in theexpression.)
1. In the Buddhist concept of 'anyāpoha-vāda', the word is capable
only of negating what is not meant, without affirming anything.