Verse 44
Using fiction without associated real meaning leads to deception:
अन्येष्वनन्यशब्दोऽयं संवृतिर्न मृषा कथम् । मुख्यार्थः संवृतिर्न स्याद् विना मुख्यान्न संवृतिः ॥४४॥
सामान्यार्थ - (बौद्धों द्वारा यदि कहा जाए -) पृथक्-पृथक् क्षणों में अनन्य शब्द (सन्तान) का जो व्यवहार है वह संवृति (काल्पनिक, औपचारिक) है तो सर्वथा संवृति होने से वह शब्द मिथ्या क्यों नहीं है? यदि शब्द (सन्तान) को मुख्य अर्थ के रूप में माना जाए तो मुख्य अर्थ सर्वथा संवृति-रूप नहीं होता है और मुख्य अर्थ के बिना संवृति नहीं होती है।
(If each successive event is really momentary, and perishes utterly, as the Buddhists assert -) To use the word santāna or 'series' - implying unity – for successive momentary events which have no unity among themselves can only be fictional (samurti) and, therefore, is the word not misleading? The real meaning of a word can never be called fictional and there cannot be an occasion for fiction unless the word has a real meaning.
According to the Buddhists concept of santāna (lit. offspring or child, meaning 'series' of successive events) no permanent parts exist in an entity which are carried forward as unchanged from one momentary mode to the next. Santāna, at any particular moment, is the material cause of the entity's mode the next moment and not of any other object of same or different class.