Verse 105
The doctrine of conditional predications (syāduāda) and omniscience (kevalajñāna) are both illuminators of reality:
स्याद्वादकेवलज्ञाने सर्वतत्त्वप्रकाशने । भेदः साक्षादसाक्षाच्च वस्त्वन्यतमं भवेत् ॥१०५॥
सामान्यार्थ - स्याद्वाद और केवलज्ञान दोनों सम्पूर्ण तत्त्वों (जीवादि) के प्रकाशक हैं। दोनों के प्रकाशन में साक्षात् (प्रत्यक्ष) और असाक्षात् (परोक्ष) का भेद है। जो वस्तु इन दोनों ज्ञानों में किसी भी ज्ञान का विषय नहीं होती है वह अवस्तु है।
Syādvāda, the doctrine of conditional predications, and kevalajñāna, omniscience, are both illuminators of the substances of reality. The difference between the two is that while kevalajñāna illumines directly, syādvāda illumines indirectly. Anything which is not illuminated or expressed by the two is not a substance of reality and hence a non-substance (avastu).
Syādvāda and kevalajñāna are the foundational facts of knowledge. The difference between the two is that kevalajñāna is the complete and all-emracing knowledge of reality while syāduāda is the conditional predication of the individual propositions of the knowledge obtained in kevalajñāna. Kevalajñāna is the direct experience and syādvāda is its indirect expression.
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