Fault in the Buddhist argument:
अवक्तव्यचतुष्कोटिविकल्पोऽपि न कथ्यताम् । असर्वान्तमवस्तु स्यादविशेष्यविशेषणम् ॥४६॥
Verse 46
सामान्यार्थ - तब तो (बौद्धों को) चतुष्कोटिविकल्प (वस्तु में सत् आदि चार प्रकार के विकल्प) को अवक्तव्य भी नहीं कहना चाहिए (सर्वथा अवक्तव्य का पक्ष लेने पर ‘चतुष्कोटिविकल्प अवक्तव्य है' यह कहना भी नहीं बनता है)। जो असर्वान्त (सर्व - धर्म रहित ) है वह अवस्तु (आकाश-पुष्प के समान) है क्योंकि उसमें विशेष्य- विशेषण - भाव नहीं बनता है।
(The reply is -) It cannot be said that the fourfold causal relation (catuşkotivikalpa) is indescribable. (Firstly, just by uttering these words it somehow becomes describable, and secondly, cognition by others of the fourfold causal relation has been made possible through description only.) Moreover, an entity devoid of all characteristics will be a nonentity like the 'sky-flower' since it will neither have qualifying attributes (viseṣaṇa) nor the substance to be qualified (viseṣya).