Verse 62
Fault in accepting that there is inherence (samavāya) of a single effect in many causes:
एकस्यानेकवृत्तिर्न भागाभावादबहूनि वा ।। भागित्वाद्वाऽस्य नैकत्वं दोषो वृत्तेरनार्हते ॥६२॥
सामान्यार्थ - (यदि वैशेषिक मत के अनुसार कार्य-कारण, गुण-गुणी और सामान्य-सामान्यवान् में सर्वथा भेद माना जाए तो-) एक की अनेकों में वृत्ति नहीं हो सकती है, क्योंकि उसके भाग (अंश) नहीं होते हैं। और यदि एक के अनेक भाग हैं, तो वह एकत्व स्थिर नहीं रहता है। इस प्रकार एक की अनेक में सर्वात्मक अथवा सर्वदेश वृत्ति मानने से अनार्हत मत में अनेक दोष आते हैं।
A single effect (in the aggregate – avayavī) cannot inhere in
many causes (the constituent parts-avayava) since, as has been assumed, it is possessed of no parts. Or if it be assumed that the effect is possessed of parts then it no longer remains a single entity. Thus, there are difficulties in accepting the non-Jaina position regarding the way the effect inheres in its cause.
The Vaisesika hold1 that attributes', like the intelligence (caitanya) and the colour (rūpa), and bearers of attributes', like the self (ātmā) and the pot (ghata), are completely different, yet being connected by `inherence' (samavāya) these attain the designations ‘attributes' and 'bearers of attributes'. Inherence weaves together; it is also styled 'occurrence' (vrtti). Through that occurrence, the inherence connection, the
1. See जगदीशचन्द्र जैन (डॉ.) (1992), श्रीमल्लिषेणसूरिप्रणीता
स्याद्वादमञ्जरी, पृष्ठ 43.