Another example of the threefold character of existence:
पयोव्रतो न दध्यत्ति न पयोत्ति दधिव्रतः । अगोरसवतो नोभे तस्मात्तत्त्वं त्रयात्मकम् ॥६०॥
सामान्यार्थ - जिसका दूध ही लेने का व्रत है वह दही नहीं खाता है, जिसका दही ही लेने का व्रत है वह दूध नहीं पीता है, और जिसका गोरस नहीं लेने का व्रत है वह दोनों (दूध तथा दही) नहीं लेता है। इस प्रकार से वस्तु-तत्त्व त्रयात्मक (उत्पाद, व्यय तथा ध्रौव्य रूप) है।
The one who has vowed to take only milk, does not take curd; the one who has vowed to take only curd, does not take milk, and the one who has vowed not to take any cow-producel (gorasa) does not take either. Thus existence (being' or sat) has threefold character - origination (of the mode that is curd), destruction (of the mode that is milk), and permanence (of the substance that is cow-produce, present in curd as well as milk).
1. The genus cow-produce (gorasa) is consumed in many forms like
milk, curd, cheese, and buttermilk.