Section 2 द्वितीय परिच्छेद
Fault in the doctrine of absolute non-dualism (advaita-ekānta):
अद्वैतैकान्तपक्षेऽपि दृष्टो भेदो विरुध्यते ।
कारकाणां क्रियायाश्च नैकं स्वस्मात् प्रजायते ॥२४॥
सामान्यार्थ - अद्वैतैकान्त पक्ष में कारकों और क्रियाओं का भेद जो प्रत्यक्ष सिद्ध (स्पष्ट दिखाई देने वाला सत्य) है वह विरोध को प्राप्त होता है। क्योंकि जो भी कोई एक सर्वथा अकेला (असहाय ) है वह स्वयं अपने से उत्पन्न नहीं हो सकता है।
The doctrine of absolute non-dualism (advaita-ekānta) suffers from contradiction as it denies the duality of factors-of-action (kāraka) and action (kriyā), as ascertained directly by cognition; it is not possible for an object to get produced out of itself.
In this verse we come to the Advaita-Vedānta doctrine which holds that Brahma, often described as ‘Existence-ThoughtBliss' (sat-cid-ānanda) is the sole reality, the world being a product of illusion (māyā) or ignorance (avidyā). All different things are manifestations of Brahma; only the one eternally undivided Brahma exists. The doctrine justifies an ultimate non-reality of the world of things (vastu-prapañca ) found in the triple universe as being appearance (pratibhasa) through the power of illusion (māyā) or ignorance (avidyā).
Factors-of-action (kāraka) comprise the doer (kartā), the