4545454545454545454141414141414141414141414141414141414141414 415 416 41
Achar-Prakalp-Pad (Segment of
conduct atonement) Aropana-Pad (Segment of stalling) 168 Vakshaskar Parvat-Pad
(Segment of Vakshaskar mountains)
169 Mahadrah-Pad (Segment of great lakes)
170 Vakshaskar-Parvat-Pad
(Segment of Vakshaskar mountains)
171 Dhatkikhand-Pushkaravar-Pad 171 Samayakshetra-Pad (Segment of samayakshetra)
Avagahana-Pad (Segment of
height) Vibodh-Pad (Segment of awakening)
172 Nirganthi Avalamban-Pad (Segment of support)
173 Acharya Upadhyaya Atishesh-Pad
(Segment of special privilege of
acharya and upadhyaya) Acharya Upadhyaya
Ganapakraman-Pad (Segment of acharya and
upadhyaya leaving the group) 176 Riddhimat-Pad (Segment of
the endowed)
455 456 457 454 455 456 457 454 455 455 456 457 455 456 457 4545454545
Fifth Sthaan : Third Lesson
Astikaya-Pad (Segment of agglomerative entity)
179 Dharmastikaya
179 Adharmastikaya Aakashastikaya
181 Jivastikaya
182 Pudgalastikaya
183 Gati-Pad (Segment of genuses) 184 Indriyarth-Pad (Segment of
subjects of sense organs) 185 Mund-Pad (Segment of victors) 185 Badar-Pad (Segment of gross) 186 Achitta-Vayukaya-Pad
(Segment of lifeless air-bodied beings)
188 Nirgranth-Pad (Segment of ascetics)
188 Udadhi-Pad (Segment of means of sustenance)
193 Nishra-Sthaan-Pad (Segment of support)
194 Nidhi-Pad (Segment of treasure) 195 Shauch-Pad (Segment of cleansing) 195
(Segment of Chhadmasth
Kevali) Mahanarak-Pad (Segment of
worst hells) Mahavimaan-Pad (Segment of
great celestial vehicles) Sattva-Pad (Segment of courage) Bhikshaak-Pad (Segment of
alms eater) Vanipak-Pad (Segment of beggar) 199 Achel-Pad (Segment of
scantily clad ascetic) Utkal-Pad (Segment of the
extremely powerful) Samiti-Pad (Segment of
self regulation) Jiva-Pad (Segment of
living beings) Gati-Aagati-Pad (Segment of
birth from and to) Jiva-Pad (Segment of beings) Yonisthiti-Pad (Segment of
productive life)
944 455 456 4545454545454545454545454 455 456 454 455 456 457 454
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