Doctrines of Vallabhacharya. According to Vallabhacharya's principles Brahman has a form which is faultless and replete with all virtues It is self dependent and is devoid of material body It has endless forms It is invariable and yet variable. It is a substratum of all opposite characteristics and is not accessible to reason. The greatest soul (Lord Shri Krishna) is termed in the vedas as Brahman, in Upnishads Paramatman and the same in Bhagwatgita, Bhagwana It is Satchidananda It is all pervading and immutable It is omnipotent and self dependant.
All this which is seen here is surely Atma. The Almighty lord, creats and is created The soul of the world protects and is protected. The soul 18 destroyes and is destroyed.
Vallabhacharya has accepted Paramatman as Lord Krishna on the authority of this Shloke.
कृषि वाचकः शन्दो णश्च निवृत्तिवाचकः ।
तयोरेक्यं परब्रह्मकृष्ण इत्यभिधीयते ॥ 1. e. The word Krish denots power and the syllable Na denotes bliss The combination of these two is called quaer or the great Lord
The Jagat or the world. According to Shri Vallabhacharya this Jagat or the world is the creation of Brahman.