his works are available now. The remaining works are either destroyed or are taken away. The author hopes that the enthusiastic vaishnavas will try to find out the remaining woksand will put the same before the the slandering party in order to make them silent for ever.
During his stay in the north of India, Vallabhacharya came into contact with keshava kashmirin, the famous Nimbarka scholar. Keshava kashmirin presented his pupil Madhava Bhatt kashmirin to Vallabhacharya in Dakshina of Bhagwat katha shravana Madhava Bhatt became his devout disciple and acted as the scribe of Vallabhacharya. With him Vallabhacharya composed his numerous works During that interval Vallabhacharya wrote Purvamimansa Bhashya, Brahma sutra Bhashya and sukshma Tika Only a fragment of his purva mimansa Bhashya in available now, while sukshma Tika is almost lost.
Attitude of sampradaya. As regards morality, Vallabhacharya and his descendants remain very cautious and strict No descendant of Vallabhacharya has over claimed himself to be Acharya The sampradaya recognises Vallabbacharya alone as Acharya When this is the position how would it be possible that maharajas recognise thens.