masutras of Vedavyas. Up till now, not a single Acharya exept Vallabhachsrya has become successful to show clearly the true meaning of the author of Brahmasutra
His second valuable work is Tatwadeep Nibandh which contains three chapters -Shastrarth prakarana, Bhagwataith prakaiana and Sarwa Nirnaya prakarana The shastrartha prakarana is the finest exposition of shrimad Bhagwat gita Sarva Nirnaya deals with all the principle schools of philosophy The third Bhagwatarth consists of a lucid explaination of the meaning of shrimad Bhagwata
Besides these, his commentary on shrimad Bhagwata is known as subodhini The whole commentary is not available This also is one of his many prominent works It stands as a very masterly and criticle wark The meanins of the author of Bhagwata is fully and masterly explained It conclusively proves that Bhagwata is nothing but a systematic exposition of the science of most enduring love towards God Shri Krishna
In small works shodashgrantha are wel. renowned It's a collection of sixteen small works which explain the idea of his views
Vallabhachrya 18 said to have written some eightyfour volumes, but only a few of