It is a monstrous michief to substitute the word Acharya in place of Shri Krishna tho great Lord. Some general views of Vallabhacharya.
Shri Vallabhacharya is of openion that in this kali aga no yagnya will have its effect, as directed by the shastras. The vardık yagnyas may successfully be performed only when Desha (the place) kala (the time) Dravya (The material) mantra (the formula) karta (the performer) and karma (the action) are pure All this is impossible in this kalı aga So the chief way of obtaining God or salvation is Bhaktı or devotion towards God and nothing else. In Bhaktı. Seva or service of Lord Krishna is necessary The seva has its nine characteristics and is devided in to three parts. Nine characteristics of Bhaktı are-shravanam or the hearing of the glorı of Shri Krishna, keertanam or the singing the glori of Krishna, Smaranam or remembering the glori of Shri Krishna, padasovanam or worshipping Lord Shri Krishna's feet, Archanam or worship of Shri Krishna, Vandanam or paying homago to Shri Krishna, Dasyam or being a servant of Shri Krishna, Sakhyam or being friend with Shri Krishna and Atmanivedanam or the self