lation ship with Brahman. The first step which an initiate is to take is to realize the relation that ever exists between God and man At the time of this initiation ceremony the initiate is required to utter the formula which means a complete self ienunciation or self dedication to God Lord Shu Krishna
The formula of Brahmasambandha is based upon the vedas, sutias and Gita The relation ship between god and man is fully explained in our shastı as The Jiva or the living beeing is Ansha of Parabrahman or God When he becomes seperate from his Anshin Lord Kuishna and comes to the world he forgets his relationship, owing to a strong atteck of five wordly faults Shri Vallabhacharya says that a Jiva can only become free and pure when he takes Brahmasambandha
In the Brahmasambandha formula the position of Jiva is explained The initiate after taking the Tulsı leaves in his hands before diety utteis the mantra which means"Oh Lord Shri Krishna, I'm yours, I'm your servant I'm seperatod from you thousands of years before and am suffering the pangs of seperation My pleasure has gone away as I have become seperated from you Oh Lord Krishna, I hereby offer and dedicate my life