these ways, preseribed by the shastras is called preist or getting salvation through maryada or by means shown by the shastras. But for those who can not adopt these ways and for those who merely depend upon the grace of God, the attainment of salvation is adopted by them by the virtue of Lord shri Krishna's own power which is called for any to and the same is called Pushtimarga.
Shri Vallabhacharya is of openion that the Bhakti preached by the Madhvacharya is Rajas, by Ramanujas satvik and by Vishnooswami, Tamas. The Hitri or the devotion preached by him (Shri Vallabhacharya) is Nirguna. It means that an unflinching and most endur ing love is to be shown towards Lord Shri Krishna Surpassing all, whether it may be pertaining to this world or to the heavens, the love towords Lord must be maintained in every possible ways This is the main doctrine of our Pushtimarga. It is based on the knowledge of the greatness of Shri Krishna. Shri Vallabhacharya ensures that in this kalı age the salvation can only be secured by devotion towards God and by no other means
As the powerful flow of the ganges makes its way through rocky mountains and thicky bushies, the devotion towards Lord Krishna