should be the same. This love should not be interrupted by obstacle whether it may be Laukık or Vaidik.
Shri Vallabhacharya's Pushtımarga 18 generally known as Jaient or the pure advaita The same is known as 26919.
According to the views of Vallabhacharya Shri Krishna is een or the main God Brahma, Vishnoo and Shiva are the three manifestation of new or the main God The three Gunas, Satva, Rajas and Tamas are the three powers of maya These three gunas have more or less influence over Brahma, Vishnoo or Shiva but they have none over 99 or Lord Shri Krishna He is therefore called for you or having no influence of Satva, Rajas or Tamas gunas. So the only protection of Lord Shri Krishna is saught here and no worship of Shiva ar Shakti 18 allowed It never means by this that the other dieties use degraded or dishonoured. The main idea is to take the protection of one and one God only
The thing which is to be marked, is this that Vallabhacharya never taught any thing which was altogether a new one His teachings were from Vedas, Sutras, Gita and Bhagwata He only tried to open and make clear the real truth which was misunderstood or hidden for so long a time