head priest of his matha after him. But Vallabhacharya could not accept this offer and commenced his travels.
When this great event of Kanakabhishek or the grand victory, happened the Sampradaik Gatha or belief says that the age of Shrimad Vallabhacharya at that time was only of fourteen. But by the historical facts now evailable, we learn that the age of Shri Vallabhacharya was of 30th at that time.
He then proceeded to his pilgrimage to the south and had many controversies with different scholars of Ramanuja, Madhva and Nimbarka Sampradaya. Thrice on foot he visited all the important seats of learning from capecomorine to the Himalayas and from Dwarka to Jagannatha and preached freely his Brahmavada.
According to sampradaik belief it is said that while on tour shri mahaprabhu happened to see shri vedavyas the author of Brahmasutra, at Badrikashrama. Vallabhacharya asked vedavyas why he (vedavyasa) had arranged the sutras in such a way that their maning might be taken to mayavada? He also showed his meaning and Bhashya of vedavyaseeya sutras and explained the doctrines of Brahmavada to him. Sari Vallabhacharya