When the necessary information was given, and when the Shankara view was explained he boldly denied to accept the Shankara doctrines It seems that a very warm debaté between the Shankaras and Vallabhacharya then took place The Shankar Pandits wanted to defeat this new comer in the very first blow and asked Vallabhacharya what proof would he give for the Brahman being not निर्धर्मक ?
To this Vallabh Dixit replied in a very expressive mood, throwing all the doctrines and arguments of mayavada in back ground He most successfully exploded Shankaracharya's doctrine of maya and also pointed out the defects of Ramanuja's, Madhva's and Nimbarka doctrines, and proved to the hilt the superiority of his Brahmavada or the doctrine of Shuddha Advaita or the Adaita pure, which has its bases in the Vedas along with the Upanishads, the Gita, the Brahmasutras' and Bhagwat.
He baffled all the learned pandits and Acharyas by putting before them his Brahmavada, which was new to them, by powerful argu. ments. He strongly and firmly pleaded for the Advaita pura and denied the interferance of Kevaladwaita or Vishishtadwaita whatsoever. it seems that no one dared to speak before