him or against his powerful doctrine. Every mouth was full with the word of admiration. This made a very great impression, particularly on king Krisbadevaraya and generally on all Pandits and Acharyas They all unanimously announced Victory of Shri Vallabhacharya The Victory of Shri Vallabhacharya was grand. All accepted the superiority of Shri Vallabhacharya
In consequence of this session, the king performed a kanaka-bhishek ceremony of respect, with hundred mounds of Gold and confermed the title of mahaprabhoo or the great lord on Vallabhacharya,
The disinterestedness of mahaprabhu was so great that he did not accept any gold from this He distributed the same among Brahmins, and showed his wish to commence his travels This act of his, again put the king and others to the warm admiration for him. The king along with Vyasteertha approached Vallabhacharya and presented him with a good many valuables. From these presents he is said to have prepared one gold mekhala set with diamonds and rubies and presented the same to God Shri Vithalnathji there. Vyas teertha was so much impressed that he actually requested Vallabhacharys to become the