1699 Sandhi is so termed as it joins the various parts or stages of the main theme or plot.
The five sandhi-s then are defined in the following karikā-s. RS. III. 29 (abc) -
mukha-pratimukhe garbhavimarśāv upa-samhștiḥ, pañcaite sandhayas teșu (29-d) yatra bīja-samudbhavaḥ nānāvidhānām arthānām rasānām api kāraṇam, tan-mukham (30, abc) tatra ca'ngāni
bījā"rambhā’nurodhatah.” The angas of the mukha-sandhi wherein the bīja is cast, which causes many matters and rasa-s, are upaksepa, parikara, parinyāsa, vilobhana, yukti, prāpti, samadhāna, vidhāna, paribhāvanā, udbheda, bheda, and karana - in all twelve. All these are duly explained and illustrated.
The prati-mukhasandhi with its 13 anga-s is explained in RS. III 38b-41(a) : They read as -
bījaprakāśanam yatra drsya’drśyā’ntaram bhavet, 38b - tat syāt pratimukham bindoḥ prayatnasyā’nurodhatah, iha trayodaśā’ngāni prayojyāni manīşibhiḥ." 39 vilāsa-parisarpau ca vidhutam sama-narmani, narma-dyutiḥ pragamanam virodhaḥ paryupāsanam. 40 puspam vajram upanyāso
varņa-samharanam tathā. 41a All these are explained and illustrated in the vṛtti.
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