SAHRDAYĀLOKA NLRK. (pp. 63, Kā. 80) -
“bījā’rthasya praroho yaḥ
sa udbheda iti smrtaḥ." The editor identifies this as NS. 21/69; (Chow. Edn.). But it reads the same in the G.O.S. Edn. (XIX. 74a) also. RS. (pp. 219; III. 37a)
"udghāțanam yad bijasya
sa udbhedah prakirtitah.” This follows the NS. SD. (pp. 365; VI. 86b)
"bījā'rthasya prarohaḥ syād udbhedaḥ... (11) Karaņa - is read in NS., DR., Śr. Pra., ND., BP., PR., NLRK., RS. & SD. - Śr.
Pra. calls it “Kārana”. NS. - (pp. 41; XIX. 74b).
karaṇam nāma tad bhavet.” The Abh. (p. 41) has a ft.note : "anye tu vipadām samanam karanam āhuḥ." DR. (I. 29; pp. 27) - has,
karanam prakstā”rambhaḥ... This follows the NS. śp. Pra. (pp. 509, Ch. XII) has “Kārana” for “Karana'. It reads as -
"prakrtā'rtha samā”rambham kāranam paricaksate." ND. places 'Karana' at no. 6; (pp. 124; 1. 44)
“karanam prastuta-kriyā.” The Vștti has - "avasarā’nuguṇasya arthasya prārambhaḥ karanam.” BP. (pp. 208; line 17) has,
“karaṇam prakstā”rambhaḥ.” This follows the DR. PR. - reads it at no. 12; (pp. 78); - "bījā’nuguna-prastuta-kāryā”-rambhaḥ karanam.” ND.'s influence can be read.
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