अथ कर्माधिकारः ॥४॥
स13 ज्ञानदर्शनावरणवेद्यमोहायुषां तथा नाम्नः । गोत्रान्तराययोश्चेति कर्मवन्धोऽष्टधा मौलः ॥३४॥
4. On Karma These, knowledge obscuring, insight obscuring, feeling producing, deluding, age determining, body determining, family determining, and power hindering are the fundamental eight kinds of Karmabendhas. 34.
पञ्चनवद्वयष्टाविंशतिकश्चतुःषट्कसप्तगुणभेदः ।
द्विः15 पञ्चभेद इति सप्तनवतिभेदास्तथोत्तरतः ॥३५॥ Again, these eight kinds of Karmabandhas are subdivided into 97 kinds viz., five, nine, two, twentyeight, four, fortytwo, two and five respectively. 35.
प्रकृतिरियमनेकविधा स्थित्यनुभावप्रदेशतस्तस्याः । तीवो मन्दो मध्य इति भवति बन्धोदयविशेषः ॥३६॥.
Nature of this Karmabandha is manifold on account of its duration, intensity and quantity, and its specific bondage and rise also (become) intense, mild and middling. 36.
तत्र प्रदेशवन्धो योगात् तदनुभवनं कषायवशात् ।। स्थितिपाकविशेषस्तस्य भवति लेश्याविशेषेण ॥३७॥
Of these (four kinds), quantity is on account of psychophysical activities, intensity is the result of passions and duration and enjoyment are on account of Leśyā (=colour of the soul). 37.
ताः कृष्णनीलकापोततैजसीपद्मशुक्लनामानः । श्लेष इव वर्णबन्धस्य कर्मबन्धस्थितिविधायः ॥३८॥
इति कर्माधिकारः ॥४॥ Black, dark-blue, grey, yellow, red and white are the Lesyas which constitute the cause of length of time of the bondage of Karma, like a glue, which is responsible for firm fixation of painting on canvas.38
Here ends Chapter on Karma
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