यद्वच्छाकाष्टादशमन्नं बहुभक्ष्यपेयवत् स्वादु । विषसंयुक्त भुक्त विपाककाले विनाशयति ॥१०८।। तद्वदुपचारसम्भृतरम्यकरागरससेविता विषयाः ।
भवशतपरम्परास्वपि दुःखविपाकानुबन्धकराः ॥१०९।। Just as sweet meal mixed with poison, though (prepared) with eighteen kinds of vegetables, various sweets and drinks, kills the enjoyer at the end; (and) similarly, sense-objects enjoyed with excessive attachment which is beautified by heap of flattery and meekness are causes of experience of affliction even in hundreds of series of births. 108-109.
अपि पश्यतां समक्षं नियतमनियतं पदे पदे मरणम् ।
येषां विषयेषु रतिर्भवति न तान् मानुषान् गणयेत् ।।११०॥ Those who are attached to enjoyment of sense-objects even in the face of fixed (in the case of divine and hellish beings) and un fixed (in the case of human and lower beings) death at every step, shall not be considered human beings. 110.
विषयपरिणामनियमो मनोऽनुकूलविषयेष्वनुप्रेक्ष्यः । द्विगुणोऽपि च नित्यमनुग्रहोऽनवद्यश्च सञ्चिन्त्यः ॥१११॥
इति मदस्थानाधिकारः ॥७॥ One should always reflect upon (how) abstinence is possible from consequences of enjoyment of sense-objects, which pleases one's mind. He should also constantly reflect upon infinite and blemishless virtue (i.e. Great vow.) 111.
Here ends Chapter on Pride
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