What an infatuation on my part after obtaining human birth, which is rare in crores of births ? Again, the life that has past does not return, even for (Indra) the god of gods. 64.
आरोग्यायुर्बलसमुदयाश्चला वीर्यमनियतं धर्मे ।
तल्लब्ध्वा हितकार्य मयोद्यमः सर्वथा कार्यः ॥६५।। Good health, life-span, strength, riches, are transitory. (Evera) enthusiasm in religious duty is unsteady, therefore, obtaining that (human birth), in all aspects, effort should be exerted in the ultimate good of one's own self. 65.
शास्त्रागमाते न हितमस्ति न च शास्त्रमस्ति विनयमृते ।
तस्माच्छास्त्रागमलिप्सुना विनीतेन भवितव्यम् ॥६६।। There is no real happiness without the knowledge of) Scriptures and without humility, no Scriptural knowledge is possible. Therefore, aspirant of Scriptural knowledge, must always be humble. 66.
कुलरूपवचनयौवनधनमित्रैश्वर्यसम्पदपि पुसाम् ।
विनयप्रशमविहीना न शोभते निर्जलेव नदी ॥६७॥ (Such as) birth in good family, handsomeness, good speech, youth, wealth, friends and sovereignity (of man), bereft of humility and detachment does not shine out like a river bereft of water. 67.
न तथा सुमहा(रपि वस्त्राभरणैरलङ्कतो भाति ।
श्रुतशीलमूलनिकषो विनीतविनयो यथा भाति ॥६८॥ The men, who is adorned even with precious clothes and ornaments is not as splendid as that man who has the basic touch--stone of sacred knowledge, conduct, and excellent humility. 68.
गुर्वायत्ता यस्माच्छास्त्रारम्भा भवन्ति सर्वेऽपि ।
तस्माद्गुराधनपरेण हितकाङ्क्षिणा भाव्यम् ॥६९॥ Since (the undertaking of) study of Scriptures depends on teacher (=guru), therefore, aspirant of one's own good, must constantly adore his teacher. 69.
धन्यस्योपरि निपतत्यहितसमाचरणधर्मनिर्वापी । गुरुवदनमलयनिसृतो वचनसरसचन्दनस्पर्शः ॥७॥
The touch of sweet words (cool like) sandle-paste, flowing down from the mouth of guru, who is like the Malaya mountain, falls on a blessed person as an extinguisher of the heat of improper conduct. 70.
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