बलसमुदितोऽपि यस्मान्नरः क्षणेन विबलत्वमुपयाति ।
बलहीनोऽपि च बलवान् संस्कारवशात्पुनर्भवति ॥८७॥ Even a mighty person becmes very weak within a short period (due to diseases) and even weakened also becomes powerful on account of Samskaras (i.e. destruction of power hindering Karma). 87.
तस्मादनियतभावं बलस्य सम्यग्विभाव्य बुद्धिबलात् ।
मृत्युबले चावलतां मदं न कुर्यादबलेनापि ॥८८॥ With the help of intellectual capacity, therefore, perfectly realising the unsteady nature of physical strength, comprehending one's weakness in face of the power of death, even (a powerful man) should not feel proud though endowed with strength. 88. -
उदयोपशमनिमित्तौ लाभालाभावनित्यको मत्वा ।।
नालामे वैक्लव्यं न च लाभे विस्मयः कार्यः ॥८॥ .. Ascertaining gain and loss to be temporal being, a result of rise and annihilation (of benefit hindering Karma) respectively, one should not feel disgusted at loss and experience pride on account of g in 12 89.
परशक्त्यभिप्रसादात्मकेन किञ्चिदुपयोगयोग्येन ।
विपुलेनापि यतिवृषा लाभेन मदं न गच्छन्ति ।।९० Great monks never become proud even with abundant gain, that is something which is obtained due to other's favourable nature and which is enjoyable for short period. 90.
ग्रहणोद्ग्रहणनवकृतिविचारणार्थावधारणाद्येषु । बुध्यङ्गविधिविकल्पेष्वनन्तपर्यायवृद्धेषु ।।९।। पूर्वपुरुषसिंहानां विज्ञानातिशयसागरानन्त्यम् ।
श्रुत्वा साम्प्रतपुरुषाः कथं स्वबुध्या मदं यान्ति ? ।।९२॥ adi How can ordinary men of modern time feel proud of their own intellect, knowing the fact that extra-ordinary men of old have the depth of infinite ocean (or vastness) of knowledge about limbs (of knowledge), method and alternatives, which are augmented with infinite modifications and (who were extra-ordinaiy) in the matter of comprehension, teaching, writing new treatise, contemplating on the fundamental principles and quickly grasping the teachings (of
preceptors). 91-92. 12. Sukhaduḥkhe same krtvā lābhāläbhau.jayājayau. D ie
- Bhagavadgitā - II. 38.
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