हररिसणाहरणियाणगमणं णाम सत्ततीसमो परिच्छेओ समतो || संधि ३७ ॥ संवत् १८८३ का मिली वैशाख शुक्ल ३ बुधवासरे । शुभं भवतु । लिखितं श्रीमथुरापुरीमध्ये ब्राह्मण स्वामलाल ॥ श्रीजिनधर्मप्रतिपालक श्रीमहाराजाधिराजश्री कुमरजी चंपारामजी पठनार्थं वा परोपकारार्थं ॥ शुभं दीर्घायुर्भवति पुत्रवृद्धिभवति ॥ श्रोजिनधर्मप्रवर्तनं करोति ॥ श्री आदिनाथेभ्यो नमः ॥ समाप्तोयं आदिपुराणः । शुभं ॥
4. B. This Ms. consists of 306 leaves measuring 11 " x 5". It has 9 lines to a page and about 33 letters to a line. It belongs to the Balātkāra Gaṇa Mandir at Karanja, Berar, and bears No. 523 of their list (No. 7753 of the Catalogue). It was secured for my use by Prof. Hiralal Jain of Amraoti. was written at Yoginfpura, i. e., Delhi, in 1659 of the Samvat era, i. e., 1602 A. D. The Ms. is worn out, and its margins are decayed. It is an indifferently written Ms., omits portions mechanically while copying from its original, and has no gloss at all. I was at one time inclined to stop collating it, but did not do so for the simple reason that I thought I might find in it a version not influenced by the marginal gloss. I was however disappointed to see that the Ms. was very indifferently prepared. It begins ओं नमो वीतरागाय ॥ सिद्धिबहूमणरंजणु etc, and ends:- इव महापुराणे तिसट्ठिमहापुरिसगुणालंकारे महाकइपुष्कयंतविरइए महाभव्वभरहाणुमणिए महाकल्बे सगणहररिसहनाहभरहनिव्वाणगमणं णाम सततीसमो परिच्छेओ समत्तो ॥ संधि ३७ ॥ आदिपुराण खंडद्वयेन जात || श्लोकमानेनाष्टसहस्राणि अंकतो ग्रंथ ८००० || अक्षरमात्र पदस्व रहीनं व्यंजन संधिविवजितरे ॥ साधुभिरेव मम क्षमितव्यं को न विमुह्यति शास्त्रसमुद्रे | योगिनीपुरदुर्गस्थाने जलालदीनसाहिबकवरराज्ये अथ संवत्सरेस्मिन् श्रीविक्रमादित्यराज्ये संवत् १६५९ पौषसुदि ४ बुधवासरे श्रीमूलसंपे बलात्कारगणे सरस्वतीगच्छे कुंदकुंदाचार्यान्वये भट्टारक श्रीसिध कीर्तिदेवा...............
5. P. This Ms. is incomplete and has lost a portion at the end. The available portion of it consists of 305 leaves measuring 11" x 5". It has 9 lines to a page and about 30 letters to a line. It belongs to the Deccan College Collection, now deposited at the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona, and bears No. 370 of 1879-80. It seems to be a very old Ms., edges. of leaves being worn out. There is a profuse marginal gloss. The prsthamātrās are used. The available portion ends with a part of the third kadavaka of the 28th samdhi ( see foot-note 8 on this kadavaka on page 433 of our edition ). This Ms. preserves a recension which is metrically correct, i. e., it uses, , and a as they are required for their correct metrical value almost uniformly. I found it therefore very convenient to follow it for this purpose, and hence have not recorded variants like qufafa and quà fa where qufafa represents the metrically correct form. It begins :-afa 11 at नमः ॥ सिद्धेभ्यः ॥ सिद्धिबहूमणरंजणु etc, and ends with चामर in XXVIII. 3. 11.
In addition to these five Mss. fully collated, I came across three more Mss. of the Adipurana. Of these one is deposited in the Sena Gana Mandir at Karanjs, ( No. 7754 of Rai Bahadur Hiralal's Catalogue of Mss, in C, P. &
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