Book Title: Madhuvidya
Author(s): S D Laddu, T N Dharmadhikari, Madhvi Kolhatkar, Pratibha Pingle
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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101 103 109
137 139
17. 1974. Asūsú (VIJ 12.198-201) 18. 1974. Two Vedic Notes. (BSOAS 37.670-71) 19. 1974. Sapta devalokāḥ. (Charudeva Shastri FV [Delhi] 106-11) 20. 1975. Ekavịt in the Vedic Literature.
(PAIOC [26th Session, Ujjain, 1972]. 149-52; also : Prof. K. A S. Iver FV/Rtam : JABSP
(1970-75] 2-6.77-79) 21. 1975. The Abode of Mitra. (A. D. Pusalkar CV (Delhi).
Indol. Stud. 3.110-14) 22. 1975. The Rgveda-Samhitākāra and Father Esteller.
(BDCRI 35.97-116; also : 1976. Presidental Address, Vedic Section, PAIOC [27th Session,
Kurukshetra, 1974). 39-60) 23. 1976-77. Two Compounds with Agní (BDCRI 36.115-16) 24. 1977. arnsalá. (Ernst Waldschmidt FV/Beiträge zur
Indienforschung (Berlin). 315-18) 25. 1978-79. Professor Thieme's Etymology of Skt. así and its
Bearing on the Iron-age in India. (Purătattva 10.79-80) 26. 1979. Prakāmodya - its Relevance to the Akhyāna Theory.
(Ludwik Sternbach FV [ABSP, Lucknow). 143-44) 27. 1980. Atihāyat (?). (VIJ 18.19-21) 28. 1980-81. Durativyatha. (Ind. Taur. 8-9.253-55) 29. 1982. Aduvas (?). (JAOS 102.365) 30. 1986. Two Vedic Notes. (Acharya Udayavira Shastri FV/
Rtambhara : Studies in Indology [Ghaziabad). 98-99) 31. 1986. On the Brhaddevatā 2.102.03. (IIJ 29.117-20) 32. 1988. On Mitradrúh and Mitradroha. (ABORI 69.249-54;
also : 1989. Prof. P. V. Bapat FV/Amalā Prajñā :
Aspects of Buddhist Studies (Delhi). 547-51) 33. 1996. Sāyana's Interpretation of daurgahé badhyámāne in the
Rgveda 4.42.8 (Festschrift Paul Thieme/Studien zur Indologie and Iranistik 20.257-64)
147 150 153 154
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