Book Title: Kavyanushasana Part 2
Author(s): Hemchandracharya, Rasiklal C Parikh, Ramchandra B Athvale
Publisher: Mahavir Jain Vidyalay
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[P. 343. A, 6 S. 3.
Verse 503: Nothing is as delightful as f-deep
अनाधिव्याधिसंबाधम् = A state which is devoid of mental agony (af) and physical pain (f).
(adj.) full of.
Here the standard of comparison is not directly mentioned.
Verse 505: Sanskrit rendering:
दुलायमानो मरिष्यसि कण्टकलितानि केतकीवनानि ! मालतीकुसुमेन समं भ्रमर ! भ्रमन्न प्राप्स्यसि ॥ On the battle field.
Verse 509.
निदाघधर्माशु = The sun in summer.
निदाघघम शुदर्श पश्यन्ति = Enemies look at him just as they would at the summer sun.
पार्थ संचारं संचरति=Walks just as Arjuna does. Both निदाघ धर्म शुदर्शम् and पार्थसंचारम् are gerundial forms i. e. णमुल् forms according to Panini.'s term for of
Panini is णम्.
Here the word
is latent in the णम् Verse 510: afia O sweet-tongued one! The word comes from वाग्मिन् ( वाक् + मिन् ) - one having a sweet speech. ध्वाङ्क्ष crow विराविन् crowing. In the words ध्वाङ्क्ष बिरावी, उष्ट्रक्रोशी and खरनादी the termination is णिन् i. e. इन् shows comparison; art, therefore, means crowing like a crow.
is not directly mentioned, but form पार्थसंचारम् ( पार्थ इव संचरति ).
"If you but speak a word, the cackling of the swan would sound like the crowing of a crow etc. In the termination the word showing comparision is not directly mentioned.
Verse 511: According to the sutra of Panini 'ईषदसमाप्तौ कपब्देश्य देशीयरः the terminations कल्प देश्य and
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