Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 52
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Stephen Meredyth Edwardes, Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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JANUARY, 1923)
known to him is to be obtained by saying that, -as The adverb baram, which meant 'greatly', was he actually does-he describes three varieties, viz., perhaps derived from the same root. Tamil authors Paitachi proper, and two varieties of Chalika have written the name as karunadu, which in that paibachika.
language, even in the modern dialect, would mean May I add that never, even in my wildest elevated land, and Tamil scholars, like Mr. moments, have I thought that the word "Chalike-Justice Sesha Aiyar of Travancore, have commended paisachiko" employed by Hômachandra was a
the new derivation, for unlike Chola, Pandya, dual, as Mr. Ramanujazwami suggests that I may
Korals, and other Dravidian lands of the south, have done. It is of course a locative singular. Karpata was situated on a plateau and is still
spoken of as the land above the Ghate. The Tamil I must repeat that the difference between him and me is one of words and of words only. He word may, however, be a corruption of the Sans. maintains, and I fully admit, that Hômachandra
krit name.
H. NARAYANA RAO. groupa Paisachs under two appellations, but that, as I have explained, is not inconsistent with the fact that Hemachandra actually describes three
P CWTTNe , one of the epithets, always GEORGE GRIEBSON.
and only, applied to the Gupta emperor, SamudraTHE CORE OF KARNATA.
gupta, shows that he revived the ancient rite of
the horse-sacrifice which had long remained in Inscriptions found in Dharwar distriot speak of a
aboyance. But the Cammaks oopper-plate part of Kuntala as Eradagundu 1.4., XII, p. 271;
cription 1 of the Vakataka Maharaja Pravarasena E.I., XIII, p. 326. This expression literally means
II shows that Prevaragena I had celebrated the two-six-hundred, or twelve-hundred. Dr. Fleet
horse-sacrifice however, han interpreted it as the name of a two
four times, (
:) district area comprising six-hundred villages, the
and that Maharaja Sri Bhavanaga of the Bhidiatriota being Puligere three-hundred, and Belvola radivas bad oelebrated it as many as ton times three-hundred. In a Nilgunda inscription those T (
u rch, eto). dietricts are mentioned as Detri dalam, two-three. These two kings no doubt lived before Samodra. hundred-E.I., IV, p. 206. This disoropanay has not gupta : The daughter of Candragupta IT, named been explained. Now it so happens that the poet PrabbAvatigupta had married Rudrasena II, the Ranns, in his Gadd yuddha (982 4 D.), describes his great great grandson of Maharaja Pravaradona 1.3 language as that of Eradagundru, the core of Kan. If the identification of Rudragens I, the grandmade-I, 42. His native district must therefore have son of Pravarasena I, with the Rudradeva of the been included in the area, and from his Agila-Purdna, Allahabad Pillar inscription is accepted, Samu. XII. 46, we learn that he was born at Muduvolalu, dragupta would be the contemporary of the grandin Jambukhandi Seventy, Belugali Five-hundred. son of Pravarmena I of the VALAtakas. Maharaja It was at one timoa three-hundred district-E.I., Bhavanaga's time goes further back as he was the VI, p. 29; VII, p. 209. In the previous century father-in-law of Maharaja Pravaradens I. (See the author of Kapirdja-marga had placed the core of
the expression T
ime TraitKannada between the towns Kisuvolalu, Onkunda, Pudigere, and Kopana. This last was in Hagaritige
, oto, in the Cammaka plate referred to Three-hundred-E.I., XII, p. 308. I think there
above.) foro that Eradarunůru comprised four three
How is it then that Samudragupta revived the hundred districts, Bevole, Belgali, Puligote, and
horse-sacrifice, which had remained long in abeyance, Hagaritige.
probably since the days of Puşyamitra of the I may add that the derivation of Karpata from
sunga dynasty 14 kari-nddu, black country, does not satisfy many Kings like Pravarasena and Bhavanaga may Indian rholars, for Mysore is not black, and they not have a good a reason to celebrate the horsedo not consider it probable that a land which sacrifice as Samudragupta undoubtedly had according to Nripatunga stretobod from the Kaveri and really when the father-in-law of the Bhiraiva to the Godavari, would be described by an inaun- dynasty pelebrates the secrifice ten times and the picious colour. I have proposed to derive the son-in-law of the Vakataka dynasty oelebrate Dame from kart-nddu, elevated or great land. As it at least four times, their horse-sacrifice oould
separate word, karu, in this sense, is now obso not have been more than petty formal affairs loto, but it survives in the names of places like without the real substance. Yet the rito as such Kardru, and in words liko karumdda, lofty dwel. was in practice not very long before Samudragupta ling, and karugallu, large stone which mark and how can it be said that he revived it ? the site of village and is annually worshipped
D. B. DTB ALKAL. 1 Pleot's CJ. No. 56. B.I., Jan. 1019, p. 39. Fleet's G.I., No.. Smith 2.2.1... 26