Page 145, foot-note 9.-Add note :.. In the Gaudiya or Proto-Bengali alphabet there is often no
difference between the signs for medial u and subscript v (cf. below, Vol. XXX, p. 52, note 1) and often the same sign looks either like the ā-mātrā of the previous consonant or the s-mitrā of the following akshara. The second charactristic is often noticed in
the early medieval epigraphs in Nāgari as well (cf. ibid., Vol. XXXI, p. 309).' , 150, foot-note 5.-For 27 read 127 , 151, line 1.-Read Purushottama
151, line 2.- Read Talahāri 153, text, line 17.-For samähsta read samāhrita 156, line 7.–For single read single-handed 171.- Read lines 34-40 after line 26. 175, foot-note 3, line 3.–For drāma read ārāma 176, line 1.--For south-east read south-eastern 177, line 1.--Read lotus-feet 177, line 2.-For Mathara read the Mathara 177, line 17.--For matronymic read metronymic 178, text, line 11. -For yushmäbhio read yushmäbhio 178, foot-note 4, line 6.-For ē. read p. 178, foot-note 4, line 9.- For an read in 178, foot-note 4, line 11.--Add note : As Sandhi is optional in prose composition, the com
poser could have written "varma Andoo which is apparently the reading intended.' 178, foot-note 5, line 2.- For perfectly read is perfectly 179, text, line 14.--For manu read Manu 179, text, line 17.--For mahimo read mahimo 179, foot-note 6.--- For Surāshtrā read Surāshtra 180, line 13 et passim.-Add note : For the date of the Bhauma-Kara kings, see now below,
Vol. XXIX, p. 180, note.' 182, foot-note 2.--Add: See below, Vol. XXIX, p. 27, text, line 2 183, foot-note 9.-For Mālini read Malini 184, lines 3-5.-For Mātrikā read Mātřikā 193, line 22.-- Read Pannādi-raņā. Add note : Ranä or Mahāranā is the family name of
a class of Oriya artisans. Pannādi belonged to this community.' 193, line 25.--Omit the sentence : Pannāļi-ranā.... Pannādi.' 195, line 27.-For has been read have been 198, line 4.-For diameters read diameter 199, line 20.--For Sēndrakan read Sēndraka 201, text.-Add note: There are some inaccuracies in the transcript.'