Of the places mentioned in the grant Payvegundu can be identified with Haigunda, a village about 12 miles east of Honavar, on the bank of the river Sarāvati. Peramale has probably to be identified with the modern village Heravali which lies at a distance of about six miles north-west of Haigunda , and Tapvalli may be the same as the present Tumbolli, also close to Haigunda.
First Plate. i Svasti [1] Vikramāditya-Satyāsraya-sri-prithuvi(thvi)-vallabha Palla2 va-rāja-Gopāladēvasya Kaikāya-vams-odbhav-oddhata-pradhāna-pu3 rushasya anēka-guna-gan-alamkțita-prasēvya-Lakshmi-niva4 88-vaksha-sthalsaya anēka-rana-vipula-satru-jana-prabhañjana-ka5 ri-kar-akara-bahu-dvayasy& Chandamaha(a)sēna-putrasya Payve
Second Plate ; First Side. 6 gundu-pur-Ekvarasya Pallava-rājēna dattah (I . Mantri-purohita-brīkara7 namum sāsirvvarum arunārvvarum sahitam tamaa prasāda-paran=88 pponge Arida (Harita)-gotrajange Simgitale-Panyarange Kasampa9 Hiya sama-bhagaman chandra-sūryyar=ullappinam sarvva-viruddha-ra10 hitam Gopāladēvalr*] kottar bhukt-ānubhuktam salutt-i]dudu [1*]
Second Plate ; Second Side. 11 Mane-dānamur Palage-gantam modal-age kalaniyum vadagannā sime 12 Peramale paduvannā sime Taņvalli Gärapäli tenkanna sime 13 Neydalgoreya ēri müdaņņā sime Idevettadă vadaga14 pņā nīriraga e Kolaguppe peljavasi ardham kānasoppin=ardham 15 väral-antiam Larsa-pindam nūr-irpatt-entu(ntu) kombe gärodam pa
Third Plate. 16 deyan mentafeņțu) māde jamaļi ondu Idu Göpa(a)ladēvarā da17 tti itan-param=idān=alivör į arunīru bhūmi agra18 ha(äramum Våraņāsiyumān=alidoră lokakke salvăr [ll]
TRANSLATION. Lines 1-6. Hail! This is the gift of the Pallava chief Göpäladēva alias VikramādityaSatyasraya, who was the favourite of Fortune and Earth, the chief among the exalted personages born of the Kaikōya family, who was adorned with a multitude of virtues and whose breast was the abode of the goddess) Lakshmi, who had a pair of arms which resembled the elephant's trunk in shape and which had destroyed the hosts of enemies in several battles, who was the son of Chandamahäsēna and the lord of the city of Payvegundu.
Ll. 6-10. Gõpāladēva, attended by his minister, the purðhita (family priest), the Srikarana officer of Accounts), the one-thousand (mahājanas) and the six-hundred (tādu) granted, free from all opposition, to Simgitale-Panyåra of the Harita-gotra who had earned his (Gopāladēva's) favour the equal share (i.e., half) of the village Kasampalli (to be enjoyed) as long as the sun and the moon exist. (This exdes was in (his) continued enjoyment.
* Brad Pallavo-rjanya daltib.