Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 21
Author(s): Hirananda Shastri
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 242
________________ No. 33.) A NOTE ON THE PRATITYA SAMUTPADA SUTRA. 203 what is produced from causes (pratītyasamutpanna) or in the six sense-organs. It is nescience in the insight into real nature of things. Similarly wherever there is nescience in the real nature of things, wherever there is not observation and no introspection and wherever there is doubt, nescience and obscurity it is called avidyā. How many are the constituents? The constituents are of three kinds of body (kāya-samskāra), speech (vāk) and mind manah). These are called the constituents. How many are the elements of consciousness (vijñāna)? The collection of consciousness consists of six :-(i) eye consciousness (chakshur-vijñāna), (ii) ear consciousness (frötrao), (iii) nose consciousness (ghrāņa), (iv) tongue consciousness (jihvao), (v) body consciousness (kāyao), (vi) mind consciousness (mano"). Such are the consciousnesses. The consciousness is the cause of individuality (lit. name and form). How many are the names? They are four, having no aggregate of form (rūpa-skandha) (i) aggregate of sensation (vēdana-skandha), (ii) aggregate of perception (saminā-skandha), (iii) aggregate of constituents (samskära-skandha), (iv) aggregate of consciousness (vijñāna-skandha). How many are the forms (rupa)? All that has form is so called all the four great elements (mahā-bhūta) and all that is created by the four elements. The latter are the forms and, the former, the names which are pnt together, abridged into one and called näma-rupa. Such is the individuality or nāna-rupa. Nāma-rupa is the cause of the six sense organs (shad-āyatanas). What are the six sense organs? The six internal (adhyātma) sense organs are :-(i) the internal organ of the eye, (ii) the internal organ of the ear, (iii) the internal organ of the smell, (iv) the internal organ of the tongue, (v) the internal organ of the body, (vi) the internal organ of the mind. Such are the six sense organs. The six sense organs are the cause of contact (sparsa). How many are the contacts ? The collection of contacts (sparsa-kāya) consists of six (i) the contact through the eye, (ii) the contact through the ear, (iii) the contact through the nose, (iv) the contact through the tongue, (v) the contact through the body, (vi) the contact through the mind. Such are the contacts. Contact is the cause of sensation (vēdanā). How many are the sensations? They are of three kinds :-Pleasant sensation, painful sensation and indifferent sensation (litt not-painful and not-pleasant). Sensation is the cause of thirst (trishnā). How many are the thirsts? They are of three kinds sensual thirst (kāma-tsiskņā), thirst relating to form (rupa) and thirst not relating to form (arūpa). Such are the thirsts. Thirst is the cause of attachment (upādāna). How many are the attachments? There are four attachments (i) attachment arising from the sense desires, (ii) attachment arising from the visual sense, (iii) attachments arising from belief in rites ', (iv) attachment arising from "belief in soul-theory ". Attachment is the cause of existence (bhava). How many are the existences? They are of three kinds : sensual existence (kāma-bhava), corporal existence (rupa) and incorporal existence (arūpa). Such are the existences. Existence is the cause of birth (jāti). How many are the births ? When in particular classes of beings there is birth of particular beings, there is becoming and production, there is becoming of the skandhas, there is acquisition of dhātu, āyatana and skandha and there is becoming of the faculty of life it is birth (jäti). 1 [This is more or less a free translation of the Sanskrit text.-N. P. C.] . Literally all arising from righteous conduct and religious observances. (Note the four words samjati, avakranti, abhinirusitti, and pradurbhāva in the Sanskrit text, cf. with this the inscription Bhagavato okranti,' the descent of Bhagavat, on the Bherhut pillar, Ind. An., Vol. XXI, p. 326, No. 98-N. P.C.)


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