Sec. VIT
in the guise of & menial worker doing some petty job. And it was the duty of the Sarvas ücakas to report the secret informations, gathered through their assistant spies, to the minister concerned. Thus anet of spies was spread over the neighbouring states, own kingdom, cities and the royal harem by him to watch their activities for the safety and security of the state.
The Mantriparişad (Council of ministers) and its functions as revealed in the Jaina texts are also referred to in the Panini Sutra, Buddhist work,' Manu-Smrti, Arthaśāstru, Asokan Inscriptions and other texts in details.
Assembly Hall
In the BhS references are made to the assembly hall (Uvatthānasālā)? where he held his council, received his officials and peoples and transacted his state business.
Functions of the Government The Bhs throws some light upon multifarious functions of different departments of the government of its period, such as, revenue, trade and commerce, banking, judiciary, executive, public works, social entertainment, defence, external affairs, etc., as alluded to in its stray references, but they are not systematically dealt with in one chapter.
Here will first be discussed the following departmental functions, viz. revenue, land settlement (recording, measuring and sale or purchase of land), trade and commerce, banking, judiciary
1 Panini, V, 2, 112. : Mahāsālava Jataka, I. 264. 3 Manu-Smộti, VII, 146.
Arthaśāstra Book 1, Ch. XV. pp. 26-29. 6 Asoka's Inscriptions-R. E. III & VI.
Kamandakiya Nitisära, Sarga, IV. ? Bhs, 11, 11, 428,
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