302 STUDIES IN THE BHAGAWATI SŪTRA [Ch. V indicate that the small cottage industries produced these articles as demanded by the social needs of the period of the Bhs.
The mention of flower basket made from bamboo (kiųhinasamkāiyaga)”, palm-leaf-fan (tāliyamtavżyanaga)', chowrie (vālavījana), umbrella (chattaya)", bambooo-stick (damda or latthi)", broom (rajaharana), etc., shows that the crafts of these articles flourished side by side with the other small cottage industries to produce them in order to supply the requirements of the society. Leather work
It is known from the text that the leather work was carried on by a class of people, as it is supported by the fact that there are found some incidental references in this canonical work to various kinds of leather-products, such as, shoes (vāhanão)?, leather bladder or skin-receptacle (vatthimadovei), blacksmith's tool (cammettha), cot interwoven with the leather (cammakiddam), musical drum (mrdamga)", gilli and thilli (seats used on the backs of elephant and horse respectively)". Arts of decorating and toileting as profession
It has already been pointed out in connection with the topic Art of decoration' in the seventh section of the fourth chapter on Social conditions' that the members of the rich aristocratic and royal families were very luxurious and fond of flowers, garlands, perfumes, cosmetics, etc.
The study of the references to various articles of decoration, toileting and luxury, the appointment of decorators and the entertainment of guests with garlands, etc., clearly reveals that there was a regular profession of decorating by which some people earned their livelihood.
1 Bhs, 11, 9, 417. 3 Ib, 9, 33, 385. 6 16, 2, 1, 90. ? 16, 2, 1, 90. 9 16, 16, 1. 554. 11 16 11, 11, 430.
2 1b, 9, 33. 384. 4 16, 2, 1, 90. 6 16. 9, 33, 385. 8 16, 1, 6, 93. 10 Ib, 13, 9, 498.
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